Our platform is designed and priced for projects of any size, scale, or budget. That's why we keep our pricing flexible.

If you are a student, are running a small project, or are supporting a topic we care about (like public transit, sustainability, human rights), ask about the possibility for a free upgrade!

Basic version


We want citizens and organizations alike to map what matters to them. The free version has all the features needed for a small-scale, local, community, or pilot project.

Access to the campaign builder and unlimited projects.

Survey forms + collaborative map layers

Banner photos, custom logos

Shareable URL

Up to 150 map contributions per project

Up to 2000 page views per month per project

Premium version

⭐ Contact us for pricing

Let us help you maximize project reach and impact, and serve your high-traffic or large-scale campaign.

Unlimited map contributions

Unlimited pageviews

Polygon and Polyline layers

Export data to CSV

Search Engine Optimization (meta tags)

Custom URL: canvis.app/your-custom-url

Project consultation, design and implementation

Custom built features and functionality on request!

How do I upgrade my project?

Just contact us, provide a link or short description of the project, and we will get back to you in a few hours. We will upgrade your project immediately, even before payment has arrived 🚀

Contact Us

<aside> ⌛ While you wait for our response, you can still create and customize your project for free at canvis.app!


<aside> 🔗 [Canvis.app Knowledge Base](https://canvis.notion.site/Canvis-app-Knowledge-Base-e4b5959a49334b9d84c8b34e3ea2c1ea) Start now, for free at canvis.app. Follow us on linkedin or twitter
