You can use the platform to build and launch all kinds of crowd-mapping and spatial data collection campaigns.

Missing something? Just ask us. Contact Us

🔨Build it yourself, without code

No need to hire a web developer or programmer. Use our campaign builder to customize everything right in your web browser.

📍Collaborative Maps

Allow your users to mark and describe points, polygons or polylines through a simple and intuitive interface. Just define the layers and the questions, and send it out!

✏️ Customizable

You define the pages, content, branding, basemap, zoom, layers & more.

📋 Survey questions and data collection

Canvis allows you to ask questions about the contributions that users make to the map. It also allows you to ask general questions about the person making the contributions.

📷 Photo Uploads

Users can attach photos to points on the map! They can also explore the map and view the photos that others have uploaded.

An example of polygon editing on a mobile device.

An example of polygon editing on a mobile device.

🔗 Just share the URL

Canvis is a web-app, that means you can skip the app-store and go straight to your users. Every campaign gets a unique, short URL, optimized for social media.

Premium projects can even get custom URLs like

🔓 Simple privacy controls

Define what data is visible to the public, and what is not. Decide if your users should log in, or remain anonymous. With these simple privacy controls, works equally well for open, public, collaborative maps & discussions, as well as sensitive or empirical data collection.

⏬ Your data, not ours.

One-click export and download (.CSV) of all the map and survey form data that your users have contributed.

📱 Fully responsive.

Contribute from any device with a web browser-- big or small.

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